

Image, America250-Ohio seal



Our Bold Goal: To have at least 250 communities that will be designated as an official AM 250-OH Community, creating hundreds of exciting and engaging opportunities to celebrate and commemorate the 250th anniversary of the U.S. in 2026. 

We are inviting all levels of communities (counties, cities, villages, and townships) from across the state to apply to be an official AM 250-OH Community. This special designation from the AM 250-OH Commission provides an opportunity for local leaders to network, partner, and exchange information with the state commission team.

Benefits of being an America 250-Ohio Community: Communities will receive access to resources like digital toolkits, an online community platform, and regular check-ins with other AM 250-OH Communities, recognition of your participation in AM250-OH celebrations and commemorations as well as the opportunity to develop and grow professionally and personally.  

How it works: Each AM 250-OH Community should designate one to two (1-2) individuals from your governmental organization, plus one (1) member from a local civic, non-profit, or corporate organization to serve as liaisons with the America 250-Ohio staff. Once the entity becomes an AM 250-OH Community, you are encouraged to create a committee involving individuals that represent the different aspects of the community, to help plan activities to celebrate the anniversary. 

The AM 250-OH local liaisons will work closely with the AM 250-OH staff through an assigned staff liaison who will provide information to the community or committee to help them plan and coordinate, make connections, and access resources.  

Steps to Become an AM250-OH Community: 

  1. Designate one individual as the primary contact for the application.
  2. Apply to be an official AM 250-OH Community.
  3. Upon approval of the application, use the AM 250-OH Communities resolution template and present it to the appropriate approving authority for passage.
  4. Pass, sign, and send a digital copy of the AM 250-OH Communities resolution to the AM 250-OH office. 
  5. Within 30 days of passing the resolution begin to form your committee – designate and send the names of (1-2) individuals from the appropriate governmental office and (1) local cultural, civic, or corporate partner who will serve as the AM 250-OH Community liaisons.
  6. Begin to form your AM 250-OH committee – involve all types of organizations and begin the planning process.
  7. An AM 250-OH staff liaison will work with you and your committee to provide information and resources to help you be successful.

Questions or need more information? Email us: [email protected] 

Official America 250-Ohio
Communities To-Date

We’re excited to be welcoming new communities each week! It isn’t too late for your community to join us. See the list below to see which community near you has joined us.

Please allow 2-3 business days for your community to be added to the online listing.

Community NameCounty NameLiaison NameLiaison Contact InformationLiaison Affiliation
Auglaize CountyAuglaizeErica Preston419-739-6710Auglaize County Administrator
Braceville Township, Trumbull County, OhioTrumbullTerrance ShaversEMAIL: [email protected]; PHONE: 2166331154Braceville Community Foundation
City of BarbertonSummitVanessa Johnson[email protected]
City of CheviotHamiltonAmy Richter513-562-0232Council Member
City of FindlayHancockJaclynn Hohman[email protected]Prjoct Manager, Findlay Office of the Mayor
City of MaumeeLucasAimee Mendelsohn419-266-1713/ [email protected]Maumee Valley Historical Society
City of MedinaMedinaBarbara Dzur[email protected], 330-722-9029City of Medina Economic Development & Marketing Manager
City of PiquaMiamiMichelle Perry, City of Piqua Public Information Officer[email protected] 937.778.2038City of Piqua - Public Information Office (staff)
City of RavennaPortagePaul Moskun; Arasin Hughes[email protected] ; [email protected]Councilman Paul Moskun; Executive Director Arasin Hughes
City of ReynoldsburgFranklin, Licking, FairfieldJessica Rosenthal[email protected]Administrative Assistant to the Mayor of the City of Reynoldsburg
City of TroyMiami Salome Hekate, Management Analyst Kennedy Goubeaux, Executive Director of Troy Main Street                      [email protected] ; 937-335-1725   [email protected] ; 937-339-5455
City of WorthingtonFranklinRiley Hoover, Management Assistant[email protected]City of Worthington
Clark County ClarkMichael Cooper, Public Information Officer for the Board of Clark County Commissioners Natalie Fritz, Archivist and Outreach Director with the Clark County Historical Society
Clermont County  [email protected] [email protected]
Crawford CountyCrawfordElaine Naples[email protected]Crawford County History Alliance
Findlay-Hancock CountyHancockJaclynn Hohman[email protected]Executive Director, Hancock Historical Museum
German TownshipMontgomeryMark A. Heistand; Fiscal Officer – German Township[email protected]; 937-855-2007
Greene CountyGreeneRobin Heise[email protected]Director, Greene County Records Center and Archives.
Guernsey CountyGuernseyDebbie Robinson, Karen Castello, Terri Herron[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Hamilton CountyHamiltonPavan Parikh[email protected]Hamilton County Clerk of Courts
Kelleys IslandErieLisa M Klonaris[email protected]Village of Kelleys Island
Meigs County America 250-OhioMeigsPatricia Cook[email protected]Return Jonathan Meigs Chapter NSDAR
Miami CountyMiamiJanelle Barga[email protected]Janelle is with the Miami County Commissioner's office, and Leiann Stewart is with the Miami County Visitors & Convention Bureau.
Noble County, OHioNobleJudy Robinson[email protected]Noble County Commissioners
Salem, OhioColumbianaSara Baer330 277 3061. [email protected]Council Member
Seneca CountySenecaMarisa Huss[email protected]Destination Seneca County
TroyMiamiSalome Hekate[email protected]Management Analyst, City of Troy
Upper SanduskyWyandotMarty Reber614-352-7520 [email protected]Wyandot County Historical Society
Village of Crestline, OhioCrawfordCorey M. Spackey[email protected]Village Administrator
Village of OakwoodPauldingJoshua Duslak[email protected]Village of Oakwood Mayor; Village of Oakwood Councilwoman
Village of Plain CityMadison, UnionHaley Lupton (Village Administrator) Jason Stanford (Development Manager)Karen Eylon (Union County Chamber of Commerce)Haley Lupton (Village Administrator) Jason Stanford (Development Manager)Karen Eylon (Union County Chamber of Commerce)
Village of St. BernardHamiltonTim Werdmann[email protected]; 513-482-7494Director of Public Services and Safety for the Village of St. Bernard
Warren CountyWarrenCandace Miller[email protected]County Commissioner
Adams CountyAdamsMarla May[email protected]County Commission
City of CantonStarkDonn Angus[email protected]City of Canton Department of Planning and Zoning
Allen CountyAllenBeth Seibert[email protected]County Commission
Henry CountyHenryBrian Tilse with Henry County History Alliance419-966-2178 [email protected]Henry County Commissioners
Malta Village/Morgan CountyMorganDevan Vincent[email protected]Malta Village Council Members
Richfield TownshipSummitTrustee Don Laubacher[email protected]Richfield Township Board of Trustees, Richfield Historical Society
Xenia Township Board of TrusteesGreeneAlan D. Stock[email protected]Township Administrator, first liaison, Fiscal Officer, 2nd liaison
City of AllianceStarkStaci Gurney330-685-2325 [email protected]Deputy Director and Council Clerk for the City of Alliance
The City of Fostoria Seneca, Wood, HancockDonald Mennel, Mayor[email protected] (419-435-8282 ext. 102)City Government Officials
Allen CountyAllenSue Mckinley[email protected]Chair, America 250 - Brown County
Clark CountyClarkMichael Cooper[email protected]Public Information Officer for the Board of Clark County Commissioners , Archivist and Outreach Director with the Clark County Historical Society
Belmont CountyBelmontJackee Pugh[email protected]America 250-Ohio Belmont County
Crawford CountyCrawfordElaine Naples[email protected]Crawford County History Alliance
Darke County DarkeDebbie Nisonger[email protected]Greenville Chapter DAR; County Commissioner
Fairfield CountyFairfieldBennett Niceswanger[email protected] America 250-Ohio Fairfield County
Village of GreenhillsHamiltonEvonne Kovach[email protected]Municipal Manager, Village of Greenhills
Village of OakwoodPauldingJoshua Duslak4194380754 - [email protected]Joshua Duslak, Mayor Village of Oakwood , Jamie Clemens, Councilwoman and Branch Library Manager
Ashland CountyAshlandSherri L. Maneese[email protected]County Commissioner's Office
Orange TownshipDelawareSydney Herbert[email protected]Orange Township- Events and communications Coordinator
Ashtabula countyAshtabulaTroy Bailey[email protected]N/A
Brown CountyBrownSue McKinley[email protected]N/A
Carroll CountyCarrollN/AN/AN/A
Carroll CountyCarrollChristopher Modranski[email protected]County Commissioner Office
Chester TownshipGeaugaN/AN/AN/A
City of AshlandAshlandN/AN/AN/A
City of ChillicotheRossTerressa Reep[email protected]DAR , City of Chillicothe AM250-Ohio Committee Chair
City of ColumbusFranklinNancy Day-Achauer[email protected]City Council Member
City of CoshoctonCoshoctonJennifer Bush[email protected]N/A
City of DublinFranklinKendel L. Blake[email protected]Assistant to the City Manager
City of East LiverpoolColumbianaWilliam Jones[email protected]Service Safety Director; Administrative Assistant
City of FindlayHancockJaclynn Hohman[email protected]Project Manager, Office of the Mayor
Hancock CountyHancockJaclynn Hohman[email protected]Project Manager, Office of the Mayor
City of Grove CityFranklin Kelly Sutherland[email protected] Parks and Recreation Deputy Director; Administration Assistant to the Mayor
City of LouisvilleStarkAndrew Turowski  [email protected]Chief of Police; Assistant City Manager
City of MansfieldRichlandLouis M. Andres[email protected]Public Works Director
City of MarrysvilleUnionN/AN/AN/A
City of ReadingHamiltonPatrick Ross[email protected]Safety Service Director
City of SalemColumbianaN/AN/AN/A
City of SanduskyErieN/AN/AN/A
City of ShelbyRichlandVikki Morrow-Ritchie[email protected]Library Director
City of SidneyShelbyN/AN/AN/A
City of WestervilleFranklin, DelawareDerrick McPeak[email protected] / (614) 901-6536Events and Special Projects SpecialistCity of Westerville
City of Willoughby HillsLakeLaura O’Donnell[email protected]Clerk of Council
City of YoungstownMahoningStephanie Gilchrist[email protected]N/A
Clinton CountyClintonShelby Boatman[email protected] DirectorClinton County History Center
Colerain TownshipHamiltonN/AN/AN/A
Delaware CountyDelaware Chris Shaw [email protected]County Records Coordinator; Executive Director of the Delaware County Historical Society
Franklinton NeighborhoodFranklinPatricia Garling[email protected]DAR: Franklinton Chapter
Fulton CountyFultonJulie Brink [email protected]Director, Fulton County Visitors Bureau
Gallia CountyGallia Brian Rutherford[email protected]Gallia County Administrator
Hardin CountyHardinN/AN/AN/A
Harrison CountyHarrisonPaul Coffland[email protected]County Commissioner
Jackson TownshipStarkCourtney Barson[email protected]Economic Development Director
Jefferson CountyJeffersonStacy Williams[email protected]Jefferson County Commissioners
Knox CountyKnoxOlivia Toth[email protected]Marketing Manager
Lake CountyLakeN/AN/AN/A
Lawrence CountyLawrence Dylan Bentley[email protected]Lawrence County Commissioners;
Licking CountyLickingHoward Long [email protected]Licking County Historical Society
Logan CountyLoganN/AN/AN/A
Medina CountyMedinaBarbara Dzur[email protected]Economic Development &Marketing Manager
Mercer CountyMercerKim Everman [email protected]Administrator of the BoardMercer County Commissioners
Morrow CountyMorrowTim Siegfried [email protected]Morrow County Commissioner
Muskingum CountyMuskingumN/AN/AN/A
Ottawa CountyOttawaLinda Huber[email protected]Ottawa County Historical Society
Paulding CountyPauldingHeather Barnhouse[email protected]Clerk/Office ManagerPaulding County Commissioners
Perkins TownshipErieN/AN/AN/A
Preble CountyPrebleHarold Niehaus[email protected]; 513-520-8662N/A
Richland CountyRichlandN/AN/AN/A
Seneca CountySenecaMarisa Huss [email protected]Director of MarketingSeneca Regional Chamber of Commerce
Shelby CountyShelbyTilda[email protected]N/A
Stark CountyStarkN/AN/AN/A
Summit CountySummitColleen Kelly[email protected]Senior AdministratorDepartment of Administration and Public InformationOffice of Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro
TuscarawasTuscarawasRhonda Jordan[email protected] Clerk of the Board
Union CountyUnionKaren Eylon[email protected]DirectorUnion County Tourism
Valley TownshipSciotoN/AN/AN/A
Village of BeverlyWashingtonN/AN/AN/A
Village of GettysburgDarkeHeather Canan[email protected]Fiscal OfficerVillage of Gettysburg,
Village of GibsonburgSanduskyMarc Glotzbecker[email protected]AdministratorVillage of Gibsonburg; CouncilwomanVillage of Gibsonburg
Village of GreenhillsHamiltonEvonne Kovach[email protected]Municipal Manager-Village of Greenhills
Village of HamlerHenryN/AN/AN/A
Village of HartvilleStarkCindy Billings[email protected]MayorVillage of Hartville
Village of HebronLickingBrittany Misner[email protected]Economic & Community Development DirectorVillage of Hebron
Village of Pleasant HillMiamiBrenda Carroll[email protected]MayorVillage of Pleasant Hill
Village of South RussellGeauga Ruth Kavan(440) 591-2713Council Member
Village of WalbridgeWoodKelley Amstutz[email protected]Village of Walbridge Executive Assistant / Council Clerk
Village of WaverlyPikeShelly J. Anderson  [email protected]Economic Development Administrator & Council ClerkVillage of Waverly
Village of West LayfayetteCoshoctonAmy Bourne[email protected]Village of West Lafayette, Fiscal Officer; Village of West Lafayette, Mayor
Village of Yellow SpringsGreeneJudy Kintner[email protected]Clerk of Council- Village of Yellow Springs
Washington CountyWashingtonErin Augenstein[email protected]Executive DirectorNorthwest Territory Museum SocietyCampus Martius and Ohio River Museums
Wayne CountyWayneN/AN/AN/A
York TownshipMedinaStephan Ibos[email protected]York Township Zoning Inspector and Township Administrator
Bath TownshipSummitJames McClellan[email protected]Bath Township Executive Assistant
Wayne CountyWayneRob Wells[email protected] N/A
City of BrunswickMedinaCarl S. DeForest, City Manager[email protected]City Manager/Safety Director
Braceville Township TrumbullTerrance Shavers[email protected]Project ManagerBraceville Community Foundation
Cuyahoga CountyCuyahogaJoseph Nanni[email protected]Cuyahoga County Council
Ross CountyRossCathy Primer[email protected]Ross County Clerk
Lucas CountyLucasJustin L. Richmond[email protected]Lucas County Deputy Clerk
City of ShelbyRichlandVikki Morrow-RitchieVikki Morrow-RitchieLibrary DirectorMarvin Memorial Library29 W. Whitney Ave.Shelby, Ohio 44875P: 419.347.5576F: 419.347.7285W: marvinlibrary.orgEmail: [email protected]Vikki Morrow-Ritchie - Marvin Memorial Library; Steve McLaughlin -Shelby City Council Vice President
Village of ClevesHamiltonMayor Chuck Birkholtz[email protected]Village of Cleves
City of MasonWarrenChief Ferrell[email protected]City of Mason
City of GahannaFranklinMara Hunter [email protected]City Hall
City of LimaAllenJessica Begonia[email protected]Public Information Officer
Village of St. ParisChampaignSpencer MitchellSpencer MitchellAdministrator for the Village of St. Paris; Director of the St. Paris Library
Village of Moreland HillsCuyahogaEthan Spencer[email protected]Village of Morland Hills Mayor; Chief Conservation Officer of Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Village of HartvilleStarkCindy Billings[email protected] 330-877-9222Mayor of Hartville
Austintown TownshipMahoningRobert J. Santos[email protected]Austintown Trustee
Middleburg HeightsCuyahogaMarylynn Podusiwsky[email protected]N/A
Village of GreenhillsHamiltonEvonne Kovach, Municipal Manager513-825-2100 or [email protected]Village of Greenhills
Village of MontpelierWilliamsSandra Gordon[email protected]Recreation Director
Madison CountyMadisonBrendan Shea[email protected]County Commissioner
City of Hilliard, OhioFranklinDavid BallDirector of Community Relations, 614.334.2593, [email protected]City of Hilliard Community Relations Department
City of Bay VillageCuyahogaJohn RostashJohn Rostash, Project Manager, [email protected], (440) 899-3412, 350 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, OH 44140City of Bay Village
City of MonroeButlerDonna Campbell513.727.8953 ext. 1413Public Works Administrative Assistant
City of MontgomeryHamiltonTracy Henao[email protected]City of Montgomery Assistant City Manager
City of Grandview HeightsFranklinChristy Clark[email protected]City Employee