October 16, 2024
Media Contact:
Fahlgren Mortine
[email protected]
America 250-Ohio to Fund Storytelling and Education Programs with New Grant Program for Ohio Communities
Columbus, OH (October 16, 2024)— America 250-Ohio, the official state commission responsible for spearheading Ohio’s celebrations and commemorations around America’s Semiquincentennial in 2026, announced today its third round of grants dedicated to funding programs and initiatives commemorating Ohio’s important contribution to American history. Applications for the grants, which will be awarded in amounts up to $5,000, are open to designated “America 250-Ohio Communities” that want assistance to plan, organize and implement a program or event that aligns with America 250-Ohio initiatives in two broad categories: Storytelling and Education (Next Generation Citizens).
These community-focused grants are aimed at funding local activations that supplement the programs that America 250-Ohio is producing statewide, and that further the reach of America 250-Ohio-related educational programming into all 88 Ohio counties. As in the previous two grant cycles, where approximately $1,000,000 in grants were awarded, America 250-Ohio is partnering with Ohio Humanities to help manage the grants program and assist applicants as needed.
“Our goal is to encourage and assist communities around the state to join us in marking America’s 250th anniversary by planning and organizing a local event, program or project that highlights the unique contributions of Ohioans in our nation’s history,” said Todd Kleismit, Executive Director of America 250-Ohio. “Through this third round of grants we want to bring to life dozens of local activations focused on storytelling and education about Ohio and Ohioans.”
Every grant application must include a letter of support from the local government entity (village, township, city, or county) that holds the official America 250-Ohio Community designation. Any Ohio county, city, village, township, or school district may apply for this designation, and a current list of accepted communities can be found at https://america250-ohio.org/communities. Communities must receive their designation by Dec. 31, 2024, in order to be eligible for the grants.
Grants of up to $5,000 will be given to up to 55 America 250-Ohio designated communities. Grant applications must be submitted by January 31, 2025, and recipients will be announced on March 31, 2025.
For more details about the America 250-Ohio Community Fall 2024 Grants, please visit https://america250-ohio.org/grants/
About America 250-Ohio:
In 2026, the United States will celebrate its semiquincentennial, which is the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Each state has been encouraged to create a celebration and commemoration of this anniversary to reflect the unique character and contributions of each state to the nation over the past 250 years. Ohio is fully embracing this opportunity. The Ohio Commission for the Semiquincentennial (aka America 250-Ohio Commission or AM 250- OH) was created by the Ohio legislature and launched on March 1, 2022. The charge of the Commission is to “…to plan, encourage, develop, and coordinate the commemoration of the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United States and the impact of Ohioans on the nation’s past, present, and future.” — Ohio Revised Code (149.309). More information can be found at America250-Ohio.org.