Monday, July 22, 2024
Monday, July 22, 2024
Fahlgren Mortine
[email protected]
Fahlgren Mortine
[email protected]
Free Admission to Ohio State Fair Available to Fourth Graders Who Use History Pass From America 250-Ohio
Free admission to state fair can be redeemed with a visit to Ohio History Center
COLUMBUS, OH (July 22, 2024) – America 250-Ohio, the official state commission responsible for spearheading Ohio’s celebrations around America’s Semiquincentennial in 2026, announced today a special promotion for its popular 4th Grade History Pass. From July 24-August 4, 2024, any fourth grade student who visits the Ohio History Center will receive a one-time free admission to the Ohio State Fair when they present the 4th Grade History Pass, with a paid adult admission.
“During the summer, it’s so important to keep kids’ minds engaged,” said Todd Kleismit, Executive Director of America 250-Ohio. “With the 4th Grade History Pass, Ohio’s families have opportunities for these educational and fun experiences. Not only can they visit places like the wonderful Ohio History Center, but they can also now spend even more quality time together at the Ohio State Fair.”
To participate, a 4th Grade History Pass can be acquired from the America 250-Ohio website where there is an option to select a printed or digital version for download. Regular admission fees apply for accompanying family members, and passes are not valid for field trips or group visits. To take advantage of the combined offer of the Ohio State Fair and Ohio History Center, fourth grade students and their families must purchase their admission at the Ohio State Fair entrance located outside of the Ohio History Center (it is marked with three flag poles). During the Ohio State Fair – admission purchased at the Ohio History Center/Ohio State Fair gate is valid for both experiences. Visitors will receive an Ohio State Fair handstamp that provides admission to both venues. Please note that the Ohio History Center/Ohio State Fair gate is only open 10am-5pm. Other restrictions may apply.
Pass Restrictions: One pass per fourth grade student per transaction for free general admission. Must be accompanied by paid adult general admission. The pass must be presented at the time of purchase, either as a digital version on a smartphone or a printed version. The program is for fourth grade students for the 2023-2024 school year. The pass is valid through August 31, 2024. Each school year on September 1 the pass for the fourth-grade students of that school year will be available and valid through the following August. The program will end on December 31, 2026.
Visual Assets: Materials supporting the program and images from 4th Grade History Pass launch events throughout the state can be found here.
About America 250-Ohio
In 2026, the United States will celebrate its semiquincentennial, which is the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Each state has been encouraged to create a celebration and commemoration of this anniversary to reflect the unique character and contributions of each state to the nation over the past 250 years. Ohio is fully embracing this opportunity. The Ohio Commission for the Semiquincentennial (aka America 250-Ohio Commission or AM250-OH) was created by the Ohio legislature and launched on March 1, 2022. The charge of the AM250-OH Commission is to “…to plan, encourage, develop, and coordinate the commemoration of the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United States and the impact of Ohioans on the nation’s past, present, and future.” — Ohio Revised Code (149.309). More information can be found at America250-Ohio.org.
Note to editor: working members of the media must enter the Fair through the Media Center located on 11th Avenue, just west of the OHIO Gate. Parking and admission credentials are available at the Media Center upon arrival. Please review the on-site guidelines and if your station / publication has not already done so, please register staff members who will be working the Fair by completing the form on our Media Registration page ohiostatefair.com/media-registration, or by sending a list of staff members to our Public Relations office at [email protected].